Second warning of the year to salmon farming centers in Chile

The purpose of these reports is to prevent exceeding the authorized maximum production limit.
The Superintendence of the Environment sent in January  the first warning of the year to 223 Salmon Farming Centers (CES).

The Superintendence of the Environment sent in January the first warning of the year to 223 Salmon Farming Centers (CES).

La Superintendencia del Medio Ambiente (SMA).

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The Superintendence of the Environment (SMA) has issued the second mass notification of the year to owners of 255 Salmon Farming Centers (CES).

This is related to the production of their ongoing production cycles, as part of the CES Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Strategy and the Environmental Intelligence Strategy.

Also, the report includes production estimation to date and its evaluation against the maximum authorized limit in the respective Environmental Qualification Resolution (RCA).

The CES notified are located in the southern part of the country: 103 in the Los Lagos Region, 111 in the Aysén Region, and 41 in the Magallanes Region. The SMA sent to 223 CES the first warning of the year in January.

This initiative began in September 2023 to strengthen preventive measures and thus avoid overproduction in the sector.

Just a few days ago, the SMA initiated a sanctioning procedure against Blumar SA due to overproduction at the Córdova 1 Salmon Farming Center (CES).

The consequences of this sanction can be the revocation of the environmental qualification resolution, closure, or a fine of up to 5,000 Annual Tax Units (UTA).

The procedure

The SMA system creates an algorithm that estimates CES production regarding ongoing cycles and informs the owners through mass analysis reports. Therefore, the owners can avoid exceeding the maximum authorized limit in their RCA at the end of the production cycle.

In more detail, the reports include data from the Aquaculture Inspection Information System (SIFA) of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (Sernapesca), the Auditable Unit identification, and the Environmental Qualification Resolution.

Regarding all this, the Superintendent of the Environment, Marie Claude Plumer recalled: "As we have stated, environmental compliance must be imperative for companies, it is part of the rules of the game."

Since these warnings are based on estimated figures, environmental inspections are carried out through the information provided by the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (Sernapesca) at the end of the year, once the production cycle has been completed.

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