Peru set anchovy catch quota 2024 for direct human consumption

For 2024, the Ministry of Production set the total maximum limit of anchovy catch for direct human consumption at 150,000 tons.
Anchovy processing plant for direct human consumption in Peru.

These anchovy volumes are exclusively intended to produce canned, frozen, cured, and other products previously authorized for direct human consumption.

Photo: Produce.

After authorizing in April the start of the first anchovy and white anchovy fishing season for indirect human consumption for 2024 in the North-Central zone with a maximum catch quota limit of 2,475,000 tons - of which 60% had already been landed by May 13 -, last week Peru set the 2024 anchovy catch quota for direct human consumption.

The Peruvian Ministry of Production (Produce) announced that the maximum catch limit of the anchovy resource for direct human consumption in 2024 will be 150,000 tons. Head of Produce, Sergio González Guerrero, highlighted this limit -which applies to artisanal and small-scale extractive activities throughout the coast- seeks to ensure a sustainable and responsible supply for fish processing.

Imarpe to monitor biological, population, and fishing indicators

The ministerial resolution setting the catch quota also said that the Peruvian Institute of the Sea (Imarpe) will monitor and follow up on the resource's main biological, population, and fishing indicators during the anchovy fishing season for direct human consumption. In addition, Imarpe will also monitor the impacts the campaign may have on other bycatch species and the seabed, informing and recommending the necessary measures to Produce.

Likewise, regarding the monitoring of the fishery, the General Directorate of Supervision, Control, and Sanction will monitor the catch limit, as well as the bycatch limit to inform the General Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture Regulatory Policies and Analysis if any measure should be adopted.

Exclusively for direct human consumption products

As for the supply of anchovy catch to industrial fishing establishments with operating licenses for processing plants for direct human consumption, Produce said they will only receive the volumes of anchovy intended exclusively for the production of canned, frozen, cured, and other products previously authorized for direct human consumption. They will do so under their responsibility.

The supply will be carried out according to the installed capacity, as well as the requirement of raw material demanded by the production program of the establishments, ensuring its adequate conservation in the reception and storage ponds. The General Directorate of Supervision, Inspection, and Sanction will carry out the necessary follow-up, control, and surveillance to guarantee compliance with Produce's resolution.

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