Norwegian Seafood Council urges also a “blue recovery” from pandemic

Norwegian Seafood Council urges also a “blue recovery” from pandemic

The Norwegian Seafood Council urges to apply not only green but also blue solutions to recover from the pandemic. Today we celebrate UN World Health Day. This year's theme is Our Planet, Our Health.

"The need to change our ways when it comes to how we treat ourselves and our planet is more pressing than ever. The food we put in our bodies, and how we want our food systems to work is a major part of this," says Renate Larsen, CEO of the Norwegian Seafood Council.

Renate Larsen, CEO of the Norwegian Seafood Council

"But speaking of green solutions without mentioning the blue is just another example of how seafood and the role of our oceans in meeting the world's pressing needs is forgotten. Blue can also be green," she added.

According to the Council, "the benefits of blue foods extend far beyond the already well-documented health and nutritional advantages". These products derive from aquatic animals, plants, or algae that are caught or cultivated in freshwater and marine environments.

"That is why on UN World Health Day we want to make sure that consumers are told about how sustainable seafood is a green option both for the planet and for their health," ended Larsen.

The world needs to produce 70% more food to meet dietary needs by 2050, according to UN projections. Therefore, if managed responsibly, the oceans will be able to provide over six times more food than they do today.

The Norwegian Seafood Council promotes Norwegian seafood in markets across the world. For this, they compile and analyze consumer insight. Larsen recalled "the need for positive change in consumption patterns to support a healthy planet and healthy people".
