The Spanish tuna fleet joins sustainable project

The 'SelecTuna' projec aims to optimize target species captures and improve sustainable exploitation.
Satlink is a company focused on developing high-value-added technological solutions for the maritime and fishing sector.

Satlink is a company focused on developing high-value-added technological solutions for the maritime and fishing sector.


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The Spanish tuna fleet is participating in the 'SelecTuna' project, which deploys over 1,500 buoys from the technology company Satlink in the three oceans where tropical tuna is fished (Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian).

The project aims to optimize target species captures and improve sustainable exploitation. It has been signed by the Organization of Associated Producers of Large Freezer Tuna Vessels (OPAGAC) and is part of OPAGAC's Production and Commercialization Plan for the year 2024.

Satlink's selective buoy features a dual-echo sounder and pioneering acoustic technology. Thanks to improved algorithms, the fleet crew will be able to distinguish between tropical tuna species; yellowfin, and bigeye tuna.

Consequently, the Spanish fleet will increase its efficiency, reduce fishing effort, and save time, resources, fuel, and carbon footprint.

Additionally, information and data will be collected to assess the buoys' performance in different oceanographic contexts and real operational conditions.

Regarding this project, Julio Morón, Managing Director of OPAGAC, stated: "The commitment to improving our fishery, which originated in the 1960s, has sought to have the most advanced mechanisms to optimize and control our activity and ensure that our catches are the result of transparent, sustainable, and responsible fishing."

Also, Faustino Velasco, President of Satlink, added: "It is a pleasure to collaborate once again with the Spanish fleet, a world leader in the application of new technologies in the fishing sector to ensure ethical and sustainable practices with resources, the ecosystem, and its workers."

New regulations for tuna fishing

In late February, the European Council presented new regulations focused on the management, conservation, and control measures in the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) convention area.

Member states need fishing authorizations for large-scale catching vessels flying their flag to fish North and Southern Atlantic albacore. Also, South Atlantic albacore catches must be reported to ICCAT.

Furthermore, the regulation revises the long-term management strategy for bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Regarding tropical tuna, there are capacity limitations and a ban on discards by purse seiners.


Founded in 1980, the Organization of Associated Producers of Large Freezer Tuna Vessels (OPAGAC) is an association that brings together six companies operating purse seine freezer tuna vessels, and it fishes in the world's three main oceans (Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific).

About Satlink

Founded in 1992, Satlink is a company focused on developing high-value-added technological solutions for the maritime and fishing sector, with a clear focus on sustainable management and understanding of the oceans.

Headquartered in Madrid, Satlink has offices in Spain, Seychelles, Ecuador, USA, Canada, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Korea, and Taiwan, and works with local partners worldwide.

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