Uruguay updates shrimp fishing legislation for 2022 campaign

Uruguay updates shrimp fishing legislation for 2022 campaign
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Uruguay's new legislation states that the minimum individual weight of capture, transport and marketing of whole fresh shrimp must be 10 grams. In addition to this, an incidental trap captures of more than 20% of shrimp specimens below the allowed weight (10 g) will be not accepted.

Besides, denies more than 10 traps for land fishermen or artisanal fishermen whose fishing area is the body of brackish coastal lagoons. Finally, the maximum number of traps per fishing permit, granted to professional fishers that have the Arroyo de Valizas as their fishing area, is one.

These updates, among other of technical characteristics, aim to regulate commercial fishing zones. In relation to accessory species, it has been established the release of juvenile species and ovigerous females blue crab caught incidentally.

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