First Water appoints new Head of Sales and Marketing

Former Sales Manager at Arnarlax, Ómar Grétarsson has extensive experience in the salmon farming industry.
Ómar Grétarsson, Head of Sales and Marketing at First Water.

"Ómar gets what the company stands for and I´m sure that he will leave a positive mark on the company," said CEO Eggert Þór Kristófersson about First Water's new Head of Sales and Marketing.

Photo: First Water.

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Icelandic farmed salmon producer First Water announced the appointment of Ómar Grétarsson as Head of Sales and Marketing. With a degree in Food Science from the University of Iceland and an MBA from Reykjavik University, his extensive experience in salmon farming is, however, what his new company highlights most about him.

"I´m really happy to have Ómar join us as he is experienced in the salmon farming field, but not many Icelandic people have that experience," highlighted CEO of First Water, Eggert Þór Kristófersson, commenting on the appointment.

Ómar Grétarsson's career in the industry dates back to 2013 when he started working as a Sales Manager at Fjardalax. Later in 2016, the company merged with Arnarlax, and under the latter's banner he continued working in the same position until joining First Water.

"I am excited to start a new job and hope that my burning interest and rich experience in sales and marketing, related to Icelandic salmon, will come in handy," Grétarsson said, commenting on his new position. "I also see this as an ideal opportunity for me to learn more and develop with the ambitious activities taking place at First Water."

Formerly known as Thor Landeldi, just a year ago, Icelandic seafood investment fund IS Haf Investments, managed by Iceland Funds, announced that it had acquired a 53% stake in the company. First Water is building a 20,000-tonne land-based salmon plant at Þorlákshöfn, near Thorlákshöfn, in southwest Iceland.

Construction is scheduled to be completed in 2029, but the total development of First Water's farm will be carried out in six phases. The IS Haf Investments capital is funding its first phase of development, constructing a hatchery on its 20.3-hectare site at Laxabraut, west of Þorlákshöfn.

This past summer, around 200 people were already working at the company, and by the end of the year, it is planned to have produced around 1,500 tons of salmon. "Ómar comes to us at the right time to support the development of the company but at First Water we are planning big," said CEO Eggert Þór Kristófersson now.

"First and foremost, however, we take the greatest pride in conducting our work in such a way that the balance of quality, nutrition and nature goes hand in hand, and we therefore strive to produce high-quality salmon in the most environmentally friendly way possible," he continued. And concluded, "Ómar gets what the company stands for and I´m sure that he will leave a positive mark on the company."

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