The Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries appoints new Deputy Director

Mette Sørfonden will assume the Deputy Director of Fisheries role on September 2, 2024.
Mette Sørfonden, new Deputy Director of Fisheries in the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries.

Mette Sørfonden has experience in managing organizations and companies at the intersection of politics and administration.

Photo: Norwegian Defense Materiel Agency Communications Department.

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The Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries (Fiskeridirektoratet, Fdir, in its Norwegian name and acronym) announced the appointment of Mette Sørfonden as its new Deputy Director of Fisheries. According to the release, this position plays a crucial role in the strategic development of the institution's social mission.

"A knowledge-based and forward-looking management of fisheries and aquaculture is essential to realizing the potential for increased value creation in the marine sector," the announcement reads.

Sørfonden, who comes from the general manager position at Bolaks Service, has a good knowledge of managing agencies and companies at the intersection of politics and administration, in areas such as healthcare, transportation, aviation or defense.

Among other positions she has served as special advisor to the Minister of Defense; Director at the Norwegian Defense Materiel Agency; member of the Health Preparedness Council; and operational and performance manager of the NSB Persontog, the railway service in Eastern Norway.  

In addition, she has extensive senior management experience in the private and public sectors with important social missions and highly specialized environments. 

"I am very pleased that we have hired someone with extensive experience in public administration and a strong understanding of agency and business management," the Norwegian Director of Fisheries Frank Bakke-Jensen, commented on the appointment.

For her part, Mette Sørfonden also made statements about her new position. "I am very passionate about maritime matters, not only because I grew up in the coastal city of Bergen and have been close to the sea my whole life, but also because of the Directorate's important societal mission," she said.

"I look forward to being part of a secure and predictable administration and being able to support the Director of Fisheries and the staff in their work as a team player," added the new Deputy Director of Fisheries.

When she joins on September 2, 2024, she will be based at Fdir's headquarters in Bergen. The Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries has about 440 employees, and just over half of them work from there.

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