Cermaq salmon farm attacked by sea lions

Cermaq salmon farm attacked by sea lions

In British Columbia

Dozens of sea lions attacked a Cermaq salmon farm in British Columbia, consuming salmon across multiple pens. According to the company, the sea lions targetted the facility as they attempted to harvest their fish.

Cermaq described it as a "breach event": Although, conservationists Clayquot Action society called it an "all-you-can-eat-buffet". Conservationists confirmed they witnessed over 20 sea lions inside the farm.

Firstly, Cermaq claimed in a statement the sea lions entered the pens by jumping over the stanchions. Also, the company confirmed they don't have any evidence of fish escaping the facility.

On the other side, the Clayquot Action society mentioned that sea lions might have entered through a hole in the barrier, potentially allowing farmed salmon to escape into the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and leaving the sea lions stuck in the salmon pens.
