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Apolemia jellyfish under the microscope. Otherwise known as string jellyfish, apolemia was a leading cause of fish mortality in Norway last winter.
Louisa Gairn
2 min read
New Faroe Islands project delves into little-studied jellyfish biodiversity, building a baseline of knowledge which could help in tackling harmful jellyfish blooms, a deadly problem for aquaculture.
Harmful jellyfish fragments can enter fish farming pens, stinging salmon and leading to infections and mortalities.
Louisa Gairn
3 min read
The "barbed wire" jellyfish, whose sting can prove fatal for farmed fish, have been spotted in increasing numbers especially in Western Norway.
"It’s unusual how little we know about something that has had such a significant impact," says marine scientist and JellySafe lead researcher Tina Oldham.
Louisa Gairn
3 min read
In 2023, unusually high numbers of "pearl chain" or string jellyfish in Norwegian waters led to millions of farmed fish deaths. The JellySafe project aims to prevent this happening in future, with NOK ...
Lerøy Seafood at Seafood Expo Global in Barcelona, 2023.
Louisa Gairn
1 min read
Lerøy's Q4 trading update shows biomass going into 2024 is lower than expected due to effects of string jellyfish during the fourth quarter of 2023.
Salmon farms in Norway have been using for over two decades the pesticide emamectin benzoate (EMB).
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
1 min read
Akvaplan-niva project studies if liquid medicine pellets caused lower environmental risks compared to the traditional method with sinking feed.
SalMar salmon farm in Mefjord, northern Norway.
Louisa Gairn
3 min read
The fish deaths continue a run of bad luck at SalMar's Senja-based operations. Up to 200,000 fry were also killed in November due to a technical error at its smolt production facility.
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