Peru trains more than 1,300 aquaculture agents in June

By the end of the year, the National Fisheries Health Organization estimates reaching 2,500 agents in the fishing and aquaculture production chain.
Of the 37 training sessions, 14 were focused on artisanal fishing, 7 on aquaculture.

Of the 37 training sessions, 14 were focused on artisanal fishing, 7 on aquaculture.

Gobierno de Perú

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In June 2024, the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) in Peru, through the National Fisheries Health Organization (Sanipes), conducted 37 training sessions that benefited more than 1,300 fishing and aquaculture agents.

Of the 37 training sessions, 14 were focused on artisanal fishing, 7 on aquaculture, and 16 were events aimed at merchants, communities, government entities, and students.

The training activities were carried out in 12 regions of the country: Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Callao, Ica, Junín, Lambayeque, Lima, Metropolitan Lima, Loreto, Madre de Dios, and Ucayali.

According to Sanipes, approximately 513,000 families who consume various healthy and safe hydrobiological resources or products have benefited from this initiative.

Moreover, for the remainder of 2024, Sanipes estimates reaching 2,500 agents in the fishing and aquaculture production chain. These beneficiaries will primarily come from 12 regions: Piura, La Libertad, Ancash, Lima, Callao, Arequipa, Puno, Loreto, Ucayali, Junín, Ayacucho, and Cusco.

More than 10,000 aquaculture professionals in the first half of 2024

PRODUCE confirmed a few days ago that more than 10,000 aquaculture professionals were formed in the first half of 2024. Additionally, it issued 425 health certification protocols to artisanal fishing vessels nationwide.

Since its creation in 2015 until the end of June 2024, Sanipes has conducted more than 1,330 training activities benefiting 69,100 people.

These include agents in the aquaculture production chain, merchants and transporters of hydrobiological resources, government entities, students, and personnel from the fishing industry.

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