Peruvian artisanal fisheries ask for more technical measures

The Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) will promote new technical working groups to address the demands of fishermen.
The Minister of Production in Peru, Sergio González Guerrero, attended the 'Artisanal Fishing Working Group of the Macro South Region'.

The Minister of Production in Peru, Sergio González Guerrero, attended the 'Artisanal Fishing Working Group of the Macro South Region'.

Estado Peruano

The Minister of Production in Peru, Sergio González Guerrero, along with the Vice Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Jesús Barrientos, have participated in the 'Artisanal Fishing Working Group of the Macro South Region', held in the locality of Matarani, district of Islay, Arequipa region.

During the meeting, the participants discussed the main demands of artisanal fishermen from the regions of Arequipa, Tacna, and Moquegua. Among the highlighted topics were hydrobiological resources sustainability, fish species management, environmental mitigation, and artisanal fishing wharves infrastructure.

On the other hand, fishing sector leaders alert about the need for increased monitoring, control, and follow-up actions regarding fishing activities.

In response, González assured that his department will address and work on all the issues presented. Additionally, he announced the promotion of new technical working groups to address the demands of fishermen.

"We are here today in Matarani, committed to offering concrete solutions to your demands. We are dedicated to promoting the development of fishing at the national level with a real and joint evaluation with artisanal fishermen," the Minister confirmed.

Focus on El Faro and other Fishing Wharves in Arequipa

According to PRODUCE, the technical file for the artisanal fishing wharf El Faro in Matarani will be completed by the third quarter of 2024. "We will carry out an intervention plan in fishing infrastructure, where we will prioritize the fishing wharves of Arequipa, which are six," González assured.

Also, he mentioned that the infrastructures of Quilca, Lomas, El Faro, Chala, Ático, and La Planchada will receive $180 million for the period 2024-2026.

Finally, Minister González and his team visited the Virgen de Copa Cabana market in Islay - Matarani. The main purpose was to promote the National Program for Product Diversification (PNDP) which will allow the district municipality to modernize this market.

Thanks to this modernization, the market will mitigate environmental risks related to sanitation, hygiene, and safety, while promoting more organized trade, allowing for an improvement in the quality of life of consumers, traders, and the local population, PRODUCE indicated.

Last week, PRODUCE launched an assistance program to train over 300 artisanal fishermen in Paita, Sechura, Talara in the Piura region, as well as in Lambayeque and Tumbes.

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