New state-of-the-art vessels for Cargill & Skretting's feed transport collaboration

Cargill and Skretting's "Fjordfrende" collaboration means the two feed companies use the same vessels to transport their products along the Norwegian coast, with the goal of improved efficiency and reduced carbon emissions.
The two new vessels will join the Eidsvaag fleet with the core duty of replenishing salmon farms off the coasts of Norway and Iceland.

The two new vessels will join the Eidsvaag fleet with the core duty of replenishing salmon farms off the coasts of Norway and Iceland.

Photo: Kongsberg Maritime / Eidsvaag.

Norwegian coastal cargo carrier Eidsvaag AS is building two new advanced feed transportation vessels to serve aquaculture feed giants Cargill and Skretting, in delivery of feed to up to 500 salmon farms along the Norwegian and Icelandic coasts.

New feed vessels due for delivery in 2026

Designed and equipped by Kongsberg Maritime, the vessels are scheduled for delivery in 2026 from the Zamokona shipyard in Bilbao, Spain, and will incorporate cutting-edge technology, such as dynamic positioning systems and hybrid operation capabilities to maintain precise positioning near fish farms and optimize energy use.

They will also have a significant cargo capacity of 1,900 tons, utilizing a sophisticated cargo storage system that ensures precise delivery of feed through a network of silos and conveyors.

The design also includes environmentally friendly features such as an advanced heat recovery system and a CO2 heat pump for auxiliary needs, enhancing the sustainability of the operations, Kongsberg Maritime said.

"These will be state-of-the-art vessels with good amenities for the crew and a cabin capacity for 14 people. The new vessels will help reduce our carbon footprint and set us up well for the future," said Vidar Eidsvaag, CEO of Eidsvaag.

“They will be among the largest in our fleet and vessel size has been decided based upon what is most efficient when delivering feed to between 400 and 500 fish farms along the coast," he added.

Offshore salmon farming demands "more capable vessels"

“Since the delivery of our first forage carrier in 2013, we have seen growth in offshore salmon farming and with that a need for more capable vessels. We’ve learnt a lot from earlier designs, and these latest vessels are the most advanced so far for this sector with its specific demanding requirements for station keeping, manoeuvrability and cargo handling," said Rune Ekornesvåg, Kongsberg Maritime's Sales Director, Ship Design.

“The accuracy of cargo delivery is one of the critical factors of this vessel, with highly sensitive measuring equipment installed to ensure exact amounts of fish feed are delivered," he explained.

"This combination of complex handling equipment, flexible cargo capacity and efficient propulsion, make this a highly capable vessel, and we look forward to working closely with Eidsvaag and the Zamokona shipyard on the delivery of this exciting project," Ekornesvåg added.

Cargill and Skretting: feed competitors in partnership for transportation efficiency

The vessels form part of Cargill and Skretting's 'Fjordfrende' initiative, which was begun in 2019 with the aim of streamlining the transportation of fish feed along the Norwegian coast, creating efficiencies and improving services for salmon farmers in Norway - in addition to developing future investment opportunities.

Announcing the launch of the initiative in 2019, the two feed companies said they had named the collaboration "Fjordfrende" because it involved "working together for fjord friendly transport", adding that they expected to cut greenhouse gas emissions from their Norwegian sea-based feed transportation by 20%.

However, they emphasised, that despite the collaboration, Cargill and Skretting would remain competitive in all other aspects of their businesses. The partners commissioned an independent third party, Belgian company Tri-Vizor, to ensure that both companies maintain their operational independence and comply with antitrust laws.

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