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Kenyan fishfarming platform Aquarech CEO and founder Dave Okech (centre) with co-founders James Odede and Joseph Okoth.
Louisa Gairn
2 min read
Start-up Aquarech, whose mission is to improve outcomes for Kenyan small-scale fish farmers with its mobile app platform, closed an equity investment led by Aqua-Spark.
ANAF's 2nd General Congress assistants.
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
2 min read
Lucy Ogungo, Kenya's Director of Fisheries, opened the first day of ANAF's 2nd General Congress by highlighting Kenya's commitment to creating an enabling environment for sustainable aquaculture.
Aqua-Spark CEO Lissy Smit is stepping down.
Louisa Gairn
2 min read
Lissy Smit has decided to move on from her role as CEO of the aquaculture investment firm. She will be replaced at the Aqua-Spark helm by co-founder Mike Velings from July 1 2024.
KfW and Aqua-Spark teams. Germany, through its governmental development bank, KfW, is the first contributor to Aqua-Spark Africa, a found especially dedicated to catalyzing sustainable aquaculture in this continent.
Marta Negrete
3 min read
Germany, through its governmental development bank KfW, is the first contributor to Aqua-Spark's fund especially dedicated to catalyzing sustainable aquaculture in Africa.
Blue Food Innovation Summit 2023 logo. Photo: Blue Food Innovation Summit.
Louisa Gairn
4 min read
Sustainability, regeneration, collaboration and communication on blue food were among the topics discussed during the summit's final day.
New companies hoping to make a splash in aquaculture: some of 2023's top start-up stories.
Louisa Gairn
7 min read
A round-up of the some of the top start-up stories featured by WeAreAquaculture over the past 12 months.
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