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Albatrosses chasing a fishing boat in New Zealand's South Island.
Marta Negrete
3 min read
Fisheries New Zealand is committed to ensuring the sustainability of fisheries by helping to prevent bycatch.
Panoramic view of an Iconic Famous Place, Moraine Lake, during a vibrant summer sunrise. Located in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada.
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
1 min read
Before 1995, a commercial fishery existed since 1953, harvested by different fleets, gear classes and vessel classes from all regions in Atlantic Canada and Quebec.
A fishing vessel sails by the island of Kunoy, in the Faroe Islands.
Louisa Gairn
2 min read
The two Nordic fishing nations have reached a formal agreement on fishing opportunities and quotas for 2024.
Anchovy processing plant for direct human consumption in Peru.
Marta Negrete
2 min read
For 2024, the Ministry of Production set the total maximum limit of anchovy catch for direct human consumption at 150,000 tons.
Zunibal received a visit from Ainara Basurko, Deputy for Economic Promotion, and Joseba Mariezkurrena, Director General of Entrepreneurship, Talent, and Business Competitiveness of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia.
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
1 min read
Zunibal develops electronic services and products and designs for their application in the marine sector.
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