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David Horne at new Mowi Scotland's Remote Operations Centre (ROC).
Marta Negrete
2 min read
To start with, it controls and feeds three farms, but is expected to eventually be extended to all of Mowi Scotland's mainland seawater farms.
Ommund Stokka from IE&FLT and Rune Dyrvik from Sjømat Norge.
Marta Negrete
2 min read
The framework of the front sector is an average, not a definitive figure; the result may be higher or lower in local negotiations.
CliN-BluFeed project kick-off meeting.
Marta Negrete
2 min read
This week saw the kick-off of the CliN-BluFeed project, which aims to develop methodologies to boost the Calanus fishery in the Norwegian Sea.
Mussels contain a range of nutrients that salmon need in the fish feed they consume.
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
2 min read
"Mussels in particular can be a good solution both for us and the fish," researcher Sofie Remø confirmed.
The new feed facility will be able to manufacture 125,000 metric tons of extruded fish and animal feeds per year.
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
2 min read
The cost of the facility amounts to €25,000,000 facility and occupies 170,000 square meters.
Pep4Fish project
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
1 min read
Sebol, a subsidiary of the Portuguese ETSA Group, is developing the unit in Coruche.
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