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Aquabench supports the Chilean salmon farming industry through analysis, research, and audits.
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
2 min read
According to Aquabench, accumulated mortality in Atlantic salmon in closed groups increased by 11.4%.
Winter ulcers are the most significant recorded infectious disease during this period.
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
2 min read
According to the Norwegian Veterinary Institute, jellyfish account for nearly all mortality attributed to the environmental conditions category in January.
The research began in 2022 and consisted of recollecting and labeling several isolates across Mowi Scotland farms.
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
1 min read
The Yersinia ruckeri bacteria can result in enteric red mouth disease (ERM), more common in salmonid species.
"We believe that a numerical requirement must be set where mortality falls to 5% within five years for all farming companies," says Tekna President Elisabet Haugsbø.
Louisa Gairn
4 min read
Norwegian professional network Tekna says there are "no clear rules" regarding mortality levels for salmon farming in Norway, after a recent industry survey revealed significant concerns from fish hea ...
Salmon in a cage. According to the Norwegian Veterinary Institute's Fish Health Report 2023, Norway recorded its highest-ever mortality rate of sea-phase salmon last year.
Marta Negrete
4 min read
More than 100 million farmed salmon and rainbow trout died in Norway in 2023, of which 62.8 million were sea-phase salmon, a data the industry considers unacceptable.
Salmon in a cage.
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
1 min read
According to monthly reports of loss figures, 62.7 million dead farmed salmon were registered in the sea phase in 2023.
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