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Testing out the vaccine on juvenile barramundi.
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
1 min read
With the collaboration of UVAXX and Singapore's A*STAR Infectious Diseases Labs - ID Labs.
 Aeromonas salmonicida causes fatal outbreaks of disease in ballan wrasse and impacts their ability to treat sea lice.
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
2 min read
University of Stirling’s Institute of Aquaculture, Otter Ferry Seafish, AQUATRECK Animal Health, and Moredun Scientific collaborate on the project.
The research began in 2022 and consisted of recollecting and labeling several isolates across Mowi Scotland farms.
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
1 min read
The Yersinia ruckeri bacteria can result in enteric red mouth disease (ERM), more common in salmonid species.
“Finding a vaccine-based solution for treating sea lice would be a huge development for the aquaculture sector globally, with widespread impact for fish, farmers, the supply chain and consumers," says lead researcher, Dr Sean Monaghan.
Louisa Gairn
3 min read
A team of experts working on a pioneering vaccination against sea lice have secured additional funding from Scotland's Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre, after a successful proof-of-concept ph ...
The proposed new oral vaccine will target the biology of the salmon louse during its parasitic phase.
Louisa Gairn
2 min read
A team of scientists led by Scotland's Moredun Research Institute are working on an oral vaccine against salmon lice in farmed Atlantic salmon.
Fish vaccination in Colombia. Photo by: ICA.
Carmen Halpin
2 min read
Colombia advances in its efforts to mitigate the problems caused by the Streptococcus Agalactiae Ia bacterium that began in June in different farms.
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