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Shellfish Farmer and his tumbled oyster farm on Hood Canal, WA.
Louisa Gairn
2 min read
NOAA Fisheries has launched a new information portal providing an overview of the permitting process for shellfish farming in Washington State, the USA's largest producer of farmed shellfish.
Fish farm in the Salish Sea, WA. A court has ruled that Washington State's commercial net-pen aquaculture ban has no legal effect.
Marta Negrete
2 min read
The court considers Commissioner Franz's order to be "an internal policy directive," not a ban on commercial net-pen aquaculture.
Woman controlling fish growth. Photo by: Adobe Stock.
Carmen Halpin
2 min read
Hilary Franz signed a partnership agreement with Sustainable Blue to determine the implementation of sustainable finfish on-land aquaculture.
"Together, chefs, fishers, NGOs, and future aquaculture leaders are rallying support for the SEAfood Act and charting a responsible path forward for open ocean aquaculture in the U.S.," the CSA announced in a LinkedIn post announcing the trip to Washington.
Louisa Gairn
2 min read
The CSA aims to boost domestic seafood production through sustainable methods - and says the SEAfood Act would play a major role in supporting US aquaculture.
Cooke Aquaculture Pacific steelhead trout farm at Hope Island, Washington, 2022. The company quits and will not pursue its appeal against the Washington DNR for reinstatement of its leases at this fish farm and the Rich Passage one, both in Puget Sound.
Marta Negrete
4 min read
The company claims it is resigning because Washington DNR is delaying its access to records that would allow it to explain the arbitrary basis for the lease denials.
Jorge Eduardo Maguiña Aliaga, General Director of Supervision, Inspection and Sanction of the Vice-Ministerial Office of Fisheries and Aquaculture of Peru's Ministry of Production.
Marta Negrete
2 min read
U.S. NOAA instructors give a workshop to strengthen the capacities of Peruvian professionals involved in preventing and eliminating illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing.
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