Global production of salmon combined surpassed 5M metric tons in 2021

Farm salmon fishing in Norway. Norway is the biggest producer of farmed salmon in the world, with more than one million tonnes produced each year.
Farm salmon fishing in Norway. Norway is the biggest producer of farmed salmon in the world, with more than one million tonnes produced each year.
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The total supply of farmed and wild salmon increased in 2021, ending with a 13% increase compared to 2020. The total volume surpassed 5 million metric tons, says Kontali Salmon World 2022 report. The aim of this report, edited by Knut Henrik Rolland, is to show an overview of the global salmon market. Also, it offers valuable information covering the preceding year.

In more detail, the report indicates that the supply of farmed salmonids increased by 6%, while wild salmon catches surged by 59% to approximately the same level as seen in 2019. Besides, it is quite remarkable that the top 15 salmon-farming companies in the world represented 62% of the global harvest volumes of salmon.

Norway was the largest salmon-producing country with volumes increasing by 163,000 tonnes (12%) to 1,532,000 tonnes. The main protagonist here was Mowi, that made out 15% of the total volumes of farmed salmonids.


"Norway saw the highest year-over-volume growth of the last 8 years," CEO Ivan Vindheim stated. "Demand was once again stellar in 2021. At the end of the year demand for value-added products remained at levels well above what we see before the pandemic. Revenues were the highest ever at EUR 4.2 billion. And harvest volumes were the highest ever at 465.600 tonnes," he pointed out.

The second place in largest volumes during 2021 is for Cermaq, amounting to 7% of the total. "The global demand now is extremely strong, with continued strong demand from retail while the food service is coming back to normal," said Arild Aakre, Head of Global Sales.

In addition, he noted: "It is not new that consumers know the health benefits of eating salmon. Now it seems like they have experienced also how easy it is to prepare for everyday meals as well as for special occasions."

Chilean salmon

On the other side, the report indicates Atlantic salmon smolt release in Chile amounted to 166.5 million individuals in 2021, an increase of 3% compared to the preceding year. Further, Chilean salmon import prices are up 28 % compared to 2020, according to Aakre.

Finally, Lerøy Seafood, Salmar, and Aquachile continue the list. All represent around 6% of global volumes of harvest volumes of salmonids in 2021. AquaChile confirmed to WeAreAquaculture is the main producer of salmon in Chile. The company currently has more than 5,800 collaborators and exports to more than 50 countries. Its products reach more than 150 million people monthly.


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