Tom-Jørgen Gangsø is the new seafood envoy to Italy for the Norwegian Seafood Council.

Tom-Jørgen Gangsø is the new seafood envoy to Italy for the Norwegian Seafood Council.

The Norwegian Seafood Council

Tom-Jørgen Gangsø, new Norwegian Seafood Council envoy to Italy

Gangsø has been responsible for the Seafood Council's operations in Italy for the past year.

Tom-Jørgen Gangsø is the new seafood envoy to Italy for the Norwegian Seafood Council. Previously, he has led the Seafood Council's work in the Italian market for the past year.

Now, he is handing the position of director of the Seafood Council's Department of Market Insight and Market Access to the Seafood Council's Børge Lotre.

Regarding this announcement, Director of Global Operations Børge Grønbech said: "We are very pleased that Tom-Jørgen will continue to be responsible for the Italian market. Italy has good growth potential and is a very important market for the Norwegian seafood industry. With his solid expertise and experience from our strategic processes, he is very well equipped to further our market work in Italy."

On the other hand, Gangsø expressed: "I am looking forward to continuing the work of strengthening the position of Norwegian seafood products in the Italian market."

"With products like salmon, stockfish, salted fish, and clip fish leading the way, we are well prepared, and many of our initiatives complement each other well," he added.

Last week, WeAreAquaculture published also that Sigmund Bjørgo decided to return to the Norwegian Seafood Council as Country Director in China, the same role he occupied until 2018.
