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Nordlaks owner Therese Berg and mayor of Harstad Kari-Anne Opsal signed the contract for the purchase of land at Rødskjær outside Harstad.
Louisa Gairn
2 min read
As part of its "large smolt" strategy, the family-owned salmon farming company has already purchased a site in Rødskjær, Troms County, and plans to begin construction in 2027.
Operations Director Tomas Tømmerås confirms Nordlaks project is going ahead, including a new slaughterhouse, filleting department, and office building.
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
1 min read
Phase 2 was supposed to be completed in 2025 but now is estimated to be finished in 2027.
Using the Stingray laser technology avoids the need for traditional de-lousing procedures which can be stressful for fish, Nordlaks says.
Louisa Gairn
2 min read
Laser technology to eliminate sea lice parasites without harming salmon is being rolled out at up to 30% of Nordlaks farming sites, the company said.
"It is part of Nordlak's strategy to bet on larger smolt and this gives us the opportunity to increase our production in Nusfjord considerably,"said Nordlaks Smolt Director, Øivind Skjevling.
Louisa Gairn
2 min read
Norwegian salmon farmer Nordlaks is expanding its land-based smolt production facility in Nusfjord, which it expects to become operational in 2025.
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