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Kerstin Schmeiduch (second from left), pictured with members of the  Sea Rangers Service.
Louisa Gairn
7 min read
In this exclusive interview, Kerstin Schmeiduch, Nestlé Purina Europe’s Director of Corporate Communications & Sustainability, talks to WeAreAquaculture about her company’s ambitious project to restor ...
Underwater background with sunlight and green freshwater
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
1 min read
The Ocean Restoration Programme aims to restore 1,500 hectares of marine habitats by 2030.
Kina Sea Urchin New Zealand. Photo by: Adobe Stock.
Carmen Halpin
2 min read
Kinanomics, the project of Evirostat, Ngati Porou Seafoods Groups, and Urchinomics that aims to create a high-value aquaculture industry from kinas, a type of malnourished sea urchin.
The Propagule Collection Project brings together two companies with a shared mission to strengthen coastal ecosystems through innovative, sustainable practices. Pictured: Pine Island Redfish CEO Megan Sorby with some of the mangrove seedlings.
Louisa Gairn
2 min read
The regenerative aquaculture company cultivating red drum has announced a new collaboration with environmental apparel company MANG to save coastal ecosystems through its Buy One. Plant One.® initiati ...
Kelp forest.
Louisa Gairn
2 min read
Purina Europe is one of the platform’s founding members, alongside The Bellona Foundation, Urchinomics, Tarevoktere, and IFF, aiming for large-scale restoration of Norway's kelp forests.
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