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Woman shopping fresh salmon in supermarket retail store.
Marta Negrete
4 min read
Conducted against Mowi, SalMar, Lerøy, Scottish Sea Farms, and Grieg, the claim considers consumers "the principal victims of the cartel" and seeks compensation of up to GBP 382 million.
"My impression is that we need to educate the consumers," says lead Nofima researcher, Katerina Kousoulaki.
Louisa Gairn
2 min read
Consumer education is necessary to correct misconceptions and promote acceptance of new insect and microalgae feed ingredients in salmon aquaculture, say Nofima researchers.
The ASC survey results suggest that while consumers are interested in making more sustainable choices, they need easier, more immediate ways to make these choices in their daily shopping routines.
Louisa Gairn
2 min read
Demand for seafood remains high in all the countries surveyed, with ASC certification seen as trustworthy. However, "consumers need a prompt in the supermarket to bring sustainability to the front of ...
Frozen fish had seen a 15.6% and 41.7% growth in sales value and volume sales respectively.
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
2 min read
Research done by The Knowledge Bank presents new market opportunities for Scottish producers.
The NSC has been gathering data, sales and consumption statistics, and examples of industry innovations since 2012.
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
2 min read
'Oceans of change: seafood trends for 2024' report accounts for 60,000 consumer tendencies worldwide.
EU moves to ban "greenwashing" in proposed new rules announced this week. Photo: Adobe Stock.
Louisa Gairn
2 min read
Only sustainability labels based on approved certification schemes or established by public authorities will be allowed, under new EU rules.
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