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Chile's salmon industry proved its value in 2023 as the second-largest contributor to national exports, according to latest figures.
Louisa Gairn
1 min read
New figures from Chile's Central Bank show the salmon industry achieved almost $6.5 billion during 2023, second only to copper exports.
Arturo Clément, President of SalmonChile.
Marta Negrete
2 min read
It will do so within the framework of Chile Day, to be held in the British capital on September 9 and 10.
The signing of the Aysén supplier agreement. Photo by: SalmonChile.
Carmen Halpin
2 min read
SalmonChile, alongside the suppliers' associations, Acuiprov and AgrupaAysén, have signed the formation of a new roundtable to promote the production sector and its value chain in the Aysén region of ...
Raphael Bergoeing. Photo by: Salmon Chile.
Carmen Halpin
3 min read
Chile has generated an added value of US$ 5,282 million through salmon farming, which represents 2.1% of the national GDP.
#YoSoyDelSurSoySalmonero. Photo by: SalmonChile.
Carmen Halpin
2 min read
The Joint Commission of Congress rejected the Government's indication in the SBAP bill, which, as a consequence, modified 158 of the Fisheries Act.
Esteban Ramírez, General Manager of Intesal, during the presentation of the new Science Plan for Salmon Farming in Chile. Photo: Intesal.
Marta Negrete
3 min read
The plan is designed to contribute to the sustainability of the sector and will involve a total investment of USD 5 million over the next 5 years.
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