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Innovasea drum filter features an innovative design for more efficient solids filtration.
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
1 min read
The recirculating aquaculture system replaces the University’s flow-through system in its Experimental Hatchery.
Rudi Seim is Innovasea's new managing director of its Bergen, Norway office.
Louisa Gairn
2 min read
Experienced global aquaculture professional Rudi Seim moves to aquatech firm Innovasea from Benchmark Genetics, where he was head of production for Norway as well as head of global fish health.
Open Blue Hero. Photo by: Innovasea.
Carmen Halpin
2 min read
Innovasea has recently welcomed Erik Vis to its team as the new leader for aquaculture services. He brings a wealth of experience as a seasoned fish farmer.
David Kelly, CEO of Innovasea. Photo courtesy of Innovasea.
Louisa Gairn
13 min read
WeAreAquaculture spoke to David Kelly, CEO and CTO of Innovasea, to learn about his professional evolution from electronics engineer to aquaculture technologist, his outlook on the future of the indus ...
Jean Turpin is the new CFO of Innovasea. Photo: Innovasea.
Marta Negrete
3 min read
Turpin, who has been in the position for a few weeks, will have as his main objective to support Innovasea's international growth strategy.
Aruba aerial view. Photo: Innovasea.
Carmen Halpin
2 min read
Innovasea and Petros obtained government for a 3,000-ton offshore fish farm close to Aruba in the Caribbean Sea.
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